Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Nga Hararei


I nga Hararei, i haere mai taku tuahine mai, Tuaranganui-a-kiwa ki tetahi taone iti ko Kawerau, ki to ratou whare mo te hararei.

Tuatahi, ka tuu ia mai Turanganui-a-kiwa kii Kawerau, ka eke ia mai te pahi Intercity, ka haere matou ko taa maua Tuakana ki te kainga ki te purua ona peke kakahu ki roto i tana ruma mo te hararei.

Tuarua, ka haere au raua ko toku tuahine, me too maua tuakana ki te whare o too matou matua keke.

Tuatoru, ka awhiawhi ia i a matou whanaunga me a matou Matua me Whaea Keke, a ka takoro matou i te kemu PS3 ko te kemmuko Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2, tetahi kemu pakana, ko nga tima ko Rangers me Spetnaz, i haere au me taku whanaunga ki Rangers ka haere taku tuahine me tuakana ki te roopu Spetnaz.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Young Achievers

I tenei rangi i haere au ki young achievers i roto au i a Opunoke mo te mahi kapa haka.

I te tuatahi, i parakatihi au me a Joshua ki te karo i tona kaki i te wa i te mahi au i te haka tuarua.

Tuarua, i mahi matou i te haka pohiri i te mahia matou i te haka mo te roroa o te taima a ka haere matou ki te noho.

Tuatoru, ka mahi matou i te haerenga katoa a ka mutu te young achievers.

Na:Quintin Puriri 

Monday, September 26, 2011

At Golf Today

We room 5 went to golf today to learn about golf and to get better at this game.

First we had to learn about  how to learn to hold on to the club then we learnt how to swing and hit the ball.

Seacondly, we went over to the tees and i thought to my self i thought that the tees would of been bigger because the balls where soo small.

Lastly we had a practise sometimes i would hit the ball far and sometimes i would hit the ball not so far, after that we had a comptetion this is when my not so good hitting the skills came along soo i was waiting for my hit, then it came to my hit i was nervous but still went on hitting it then i hit it, and off it went it was soo small i came last soo i started laugh then we all had to pack up.

That is the end of my story.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Yesturday getting interviewed

Yesturday i got interviewed with Kunere from te karere.
We had to talk about how we felt about going to Kawerau College
Me and Kunere thought the same thing about going to Kawerau College
That our thoughts was that we will feel unsafe in or around Kawerau College 
because they are big kids and we are little that was the same thing me and Kunere was thinking about so we waited to get interviewed .

And then we got interviewed then after that we went straight to class and played table tennis.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

4 day of school

I tenei rangi i haere mai au ki te kura ka takoro au ki runga i taku blog a ka haere au ki ping pong ka takoro au me Phillip.

A ka haere mai au ka takoro au ki runga i a blog a ka  korero au ki a Desmond me Kunere.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Tenei ata

I tenei ata i awhi au ia Hohepa, ki te mahi i ana mathletics ka patai a Desmond mo te awhi ka awhi au ia desmond me Hohepa.

Aka whiwhi raua te 800 me te 1000 piro ka kii au kia raua ki te mahi i o raua blog.

Ka ringi te pere ka haere au me Desmond ki te takoro ping pong ka takoro au me Desmond, Phillip me Iria.

Ka ringi te pere ka haere matou akomanga me akomanga 2 ki te oma ki runga ia Opunoke ka hoki matou ki te akomanga ka mahi o matou mahi.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Today We Where Planting

Today room 5 and 6 where planting up top of Opunoke with the Kawerau council,

Firstly, Connie showed us the instructions then off we went planting
first i took about 6 plants up and i started to dig, then i started to take photos of our class room 5.

Secondly, we started to have a race it was head to head with Kunere then we finaly finished i got about 201 done and he got 175 then we headed back to school.

The moral of the day was that we all did planting,

The End...